Gryvon – Writer of LGBTQ Erotic Fiction

For Cardassians, sex is a game of politics, one Bashir has no chances of winning.

Mikael worries about his relationship with Raphael after he becomes an Angel.

Real-world AU. Roxas and Axel meet in the super market. Roxas can’t quite shake the feeling he’s met Axel somewhere before.

About halfway through the fanfiction, haven’t even touched original fiction yet. There’ll be a whole bunch of new fanfiction added starting in June for slashfest and springkink. Further out are stories for Small Fandom Big Bang (likely, Psych) and apocalyptothon, as well as the end to Breaking the Pattern and some more original stuff. New so far from past challenges that never made it on to the site: Breaking the Pattern Chapter 7 (Naruto, Kakashi/Iruka) Unveiled (Bleach, Gin/Kira)

Just got back from Yaoi North/Anime North, which was a blast as usual. In the middle of moving things around at the moment, so pardon the disorganization. Fiction is still available in the usual spots, for now:

Gin helps Kira home after a night of drinking.

Gwen hangs mistletoe in Arthur’s room to inspire the boys.

Harry and Perry break into a warehouse, and Harry comes to the realization that he’s not as straight as he thinks.

Seiichi’s memories keep him company, inspired by the summer wind.

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