Gryvon – Writer of LGBTQ Erotic Fiction

Otakon schedule is finally up! Ashcat and I will be presenting Beyond the Basics: Fanfiction from Start to Finish Friday at noon in Panel Room 1. We’ll be discussing writing tips for making strong openings and endings, as well as general writing advice. Previous panels (this would be our third) are available here. Download presentation

I’ve recently developed an obsession with reading writing blogs, so in the spirit of sharing, I’ve added a new section to my site with all of the blogs, articles, and Twitter users that I’ve found particularly informative. There’s advice on writing in general, as well as information on life after publishing and on how to attract and work with agents. I’ll update as I come across more articles (which has been fairly frequent). Writing Resources

As requested, the presentation from the panel Ashcat presented at Otakon. Any questions, feel free to ask. ^_^ Otakon 2009 Powerpoint Also, the presentation from last year, Fan-fiction: 10 ideas to improve your fanfiction.

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