Gryvon – Writer of LGBTQ Erotic Fiction

The Case of the Missing Cockatiel (Psych, Lassiter/Shawn)

The Case of the Missing Cockatiel (13519 words) by gryvon
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Psych
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer
Characters: Carlton Lassiter, Shawn Spencer
Additional Tags: Small Fandom Big Bang
Series: Part 1 of Psychic Case Files

Shawn’s next case turns out to be more than he expected. He’s got more than keen observational powers at his disposal, thanks to a run-in with a true fortune-teller who leaves him with psychic abilities of his own.

When he was a child, his father had taken him to an amusement park. Not any specific amusement park, just an amusement park, any of the ones scattered around Santa Barbara. He’d begged for nearly two months to go and finally his father had agreed. It was the first and last time they’d gone, though Shawn had been to others since. Just not with his father, and not that same one.

According to his father, amusement parks were a waste of both time and money. To Shawn, they embodied everything a child could possibly find fun, all rolled into one big complex. He’d been so excited that he’d barely slept the night before. It had been fun, for the first five minutes. It probably would have been more fun if he’d gone with anyone other than his dad.

They bought nothing beyond the price of admission and a hot dog each. They rode two rides, each of which had involved nearly ten minutes of cajoling. His father had been adamant against him going on the really big roller coasters, but he’d talked his father into letting him ride the Tilt-a-Whirl and a wooden roller coaster that stayed close to the ground. They visited none of the shops and spent most of their time going from show to show mostly park-run attractions that featured employees in stereotypical country garb singing country songs older than his father. Shawn was always the youngest person in the audience.

He’d had a horrible time, but that was generally true of any place he went with his father. Shawn had never been back to that amusement park since. In fact, he tried to avoid the whole neighborhood entirely unless he was merely passing through, normally in Gus’s car. He’d turned down dates because they lived too close to the park. The reason he avoided the park, beyond the horrible memories of his father, was a young woman, about 5’8″, with curly brown hair and eyes that smiled at his every word.

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3 Replies to “The Case of the Missing Cockatiel (Psych, Lassiter/Shawn)”

  1. Hi,

    I read this before, but saw you’ve got a sequel, so decided to re-read this one first to remind myself of what happened.

    It was just as much fun second time around. I liked Shawn’s reaction to his new psychic powers, how he tried to ignore them at first and was freaked out, but then gradually acepted them and used them to solve the crime.

    I also liked Lassie’s reaction- his usual septicism slowly fading until he truly believed Shawn. Of course, his honesty about his previous ‘visions’ helped there. It also helped with their relationship… very hot first time, even if it was over pretty quickly. Hopefully there will e more of that in the sequel ;).


  2. Wow! That was outstanding. I love psy!Shawn fics and this got rec’d to me over at the psych_slash LJ comm. I’m stuck on jury duty for another week, but if I’ve got a stack of fics like this then life is good!
    Thank you!

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