Linus goes to Danny with relationship problems.
A little talk with Sunshine makes Gerry question his sexuality.
Rusty needs a girl. Maybe.
Akihito is injured while out on a scoop and who should find him but none other than Asami Ryouichi.
M/M. Daniel tucked a bookmark into the book he’d been reading and set it aside. As he stood, he grabbed the bowl of candy from the coffee table in front of him. The warm smile that had appeared on his face at the sound of the chimes faded slightly as he approached the door, his steps slowing in sudden uncertainty. Something felt wrong. He felt fear and the feeling only got stronger as he moved closer to the door. Dread pooled in his stomach as his hand closed around the doorknob and twisted.
Spike and Xander’s next-door neighbor listens in on an argument.
A little friendly rivalry.
M/M. Even watching him felt like being a voyeur. Perhaps it was because when he normally saw the young man, he was a voyeur and that experience tainted his mind so that it was hard for him to not picture the young man displayed naked in front of him. If he closed his eyes he could see the pale, thin form moving before him in a slow and sensuous dance. He could watch behind his eyelids as the young man ran his hands over himself in ways that could make his pants tighten and his pulse race. The dancer always reminded him of one thing.